
Past Event

The Climate Café (Open to Columbia UNI only)

March 12, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Please join us for the Climate Café, an opportunity for the Columbia community to network and discuss the new Climate School. These casual weekly coffee chats are a chance to share your work, your ideas, and hear from your colleagues and/or classmates on all things climate and Columbia. All across the University are welcome.

This event will recur on Fridays each week, giving an opportunity for you to connect with others on these topics over the course of the semester. There will be 20-25 slots open each week.

We will be using an online platform called Oh Yay!, which is a fun and different video-chat tool that will allow participants to check out different rooms for small, breakout conversations. You will receive the link to join once you register. Once registered, you will also be sent a reminder the evening before the event. 

Other ways to get engaged with the Climate School:

  • Contribute your thoughts on our digital Engagement Circle (password: engagement21) We are in beta-testing mode, and greatly appreciate your help in developing this resource. Our aim is to generate conversation, collect resources, and share ideas from a wide cross section of our community, and integrate these ideas into the emerging school design.
  • If you have not already, please sign up for Climate School updates and check out the Climate School website.

Contact Information

The Climate School